FRIM Familiarisation Visit & Dialogue with MWIA Youth
4 members
from MWIA Youth Group visited FRIM on 22nd November 2022 for familiarisation
& dialogues session with FRIM Forest Product Division. The purpose of the
program was to engage MWIA Youth with FRIM for accommodating their needs and
opportunities for collaboration. Besides to expose the Youth to the testing
facilities and services provided by FRIM related to timber industries. The
Group had visited 6 testing labs, 2 workshops, the bamboo unit and the nursery. Welcoming
session by FRIM representative, Dr. Ong Chee Beng and MWIA Youth Chairman, Mr.
John Ooi.
stop to the nursery. FRIM has plenty of seedling to offer
Group observing log sawing at Log Processing Workshop
bending test for small sample being shown at the Timber Engineering Lab
Research officer explained the use of different tools for Moisture Content reading
Tokens of appreciation exchanged during the closing of the programme